Friday, May 21, 2010


Happy Birthday to my big girl (a.k.a. Robin Hood) - 8 today!

In honour of the birthday girl who knows her own mind, we are having a day which is decidedly UN-pink, not at all pretty, does not contain flowers or fairies, and I'm doing my darnedest not to call her cute (soooo embarrassing, mum!). I will call her beautiful, though, because she is.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The trampoline

The trampoline:
the jumping castle of dreams,
the stage for the imagination.
Kings and queens,
valiant soldiers,
chivalrous knights waging war against dragons.
Musicals and dramas enacted.
Today's wrestling ring is tomorrows circus.
And even, on occasion, a quiet sunny picnic spot.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Birthday season

It's the beginning of our peak birthday season. The first one was yesterday - celebrated with a pony party and horse riding (Happy Birthday Julia!). Today is Don's birthday. I don't think we'll mention ages anymore, after last night's conversation about how long ago High School was....

Here is the Master Chef between licks of icing. I know you'll do your best not to notice the mess in the background, and the fact that Don is cleaning out the kitchen cupboard on his birthday...

And the man himself. Happy Birthday!! xx