Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A day in the life of...

And a flash-back to the 'Easter Pie' that Chicken No.1 made at Easter time.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Marsupial Park

Our local Marsupial Park has improved a lot over the last few years. We went there last week with some local homeschooling families, and then again on Easter Monday.

My eldest chicken is improving in her photography too! She's using my little digital camera. I love the artistic reflection shot, and the cheeky bird sticking it's neck through the cage!


I love the red and blue dragonflies we saw at the creek on Sunday.

And a gum tree reaching for the blue sky.


Happy Easter, everyone! I hope you soaked up some of the astonishing and overwhelming love that God has for you.

We soaked up the sunshine and fun with family and friends.