I've been sorting through my photos, trying to find pictures of other things I made before Christmas. This is one of my favourites - a tool apron for a nephew, simple(-ish) but effective!

And a basket-type bag for a friend to give. The material has a lovely velvety feel, and I got to keep the first draft of it, as I forgot to interface it! (Trust me, it's important).

We had a lovely picnic in the park on Sunday (glossing over the few minutes when we thought we'd lost chicken no.2, and the children being rather tired).

I've been taking advantage of Don being on holiday to catch up on a bit of reading. One of my sister's was given 'Same kind of different as me', which I can heartily recommend. And I've finally picked up A Fortunate Life, which is quite interesting to read in parallel to On the Banks of Plum Creek (Laura Ingalls Wilder), which I'm reading to chickie no.1.
Let's take a stroll through the garden:
We have an interesting looking nest/cocoon type hanging in one of the peppercorn trees.
I'm greatly interested to see what will pop out of this one.

The mottled bark on a gum tree. Note the grass around it's base -we are very excited about the growing patches of weed-free grass!
And this one is exciting for me: I potted the avocado, and it is sending up a shoot!

1 comment:
Yeah! I have never got this to work so I'm pleased to see that it does! Kim
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